G-NiiB SIM01 Shines to Receive Two Global Invention Awards

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News I Aug 02, 2024

G-NiiB SIM01 Shines to Receive Two Global Invention Awards

We are proud to share that The Chinese University of Hong Kong won 11 awards at the Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival 2024. Among these, the G-NiiB Microbiome Precision Formula SIM01 received two Global Invention Awards: 🎖the Gold Medal at the Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival (SVIIF) 2024 and 🎖the Outstanding Invention Award from the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA).

These global recognition awards reinforce the success of SIM01’s scientific innovation in alleviating multiple post-COVID conditions, including fatigue, difficulty concentrating, gastrointestinal upset, and general unwellness.

Congratulations to the CUHK Faculty of Medicine and G-NiiB GenieBiome!

A big thank you to the scientists, researchers, and commercial team for bringing these innovations to life and addressing unmet medical needs!

Details: https://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/en/press/cuhk-innovations-win-11-awards-at-the-silicon-valley-international-inventions-festival-2024/